Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu spreads

As swine flu spreads, we're asking people to be careful and wash their hands, and to make sure that if you come in contact with others who have the flu or if you yourself feel flu-y to get medical treatment immediately. All this comes as Miss Piggy was rushed to the hospital today with flu-like symptoms.

Her agent released a report saying she was just going in for a routine check-up, but several people at the hospital have said that she was exhibiting flu-like behaviour. Naturally our thoughts and prayers are with Piggy and her family and we hope for a speedy and safe recovery.

More news at it develops.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gavin Newsom twitters candidacy, Eagle responds

The California governor's race officially kicked off today when Gavin Newsom - mayor of San Francisco - twittered that he was running. Although he was considered an obvious contender, the twitter announcement made it officially official. However, taking steam out of Newsom's announcement was Sam the Eagle, who is the potential gubernatorial candidate for the Muppet Party.

In a statement today, Eagle said:

"I've nested in Gavin Newsom's tree many times, so I like the gentleman and wish him luck. But what we need in California are morals, and I don't think Gavin can deliver the goods."

Newsom did not respond, but this seems like further proof that Eagle is planning some sort of candidacy. He's expected to announce soon.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

On behalf of everyone at Muppet Politics, we want to wish you a safe and happy Easter!

For our Jewish and Muslim friends, just ignore this post.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Contender for Florida's 15th District emerging

Florida's 15th Congressional District is home to the Cape Canaveral space center. Of lesser known but still important stature is the WASA headquarters, housed in the Cape Canaveral Mud Flats. And one of its most well known astronauts - Slimey - is considering a run.

Muppet operatives are trying to get the famed aeronautics hero to run for the seat currently owned by Republican Bill Posey. Posey is relatively well liked, but there is a possible foothold to gain. And since Slimey is a famed adventurer whose travels to space were well documented, he is considered a strong contender should he decide to run.

Hopes for an endorsement by former astronaut John Glenn are in the works. This is, of course, if Slimey wishes to run.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eagle talks about Pirates; Mum on potential run

Potential California gubernatorial candidate Sam the Eagle was interviewed today and asked his opinion of the current pirate situation brewing in the Indian Ocean. Having had nautical training before, Eagle can speak with authority on the situation, and did today:

"It's disgusting and perverted what's going on. If I were President Obama, I would send America warships to disarm the pirates and convert them from their morally deprived ways."

When asked during the interview if he was running 2010, Eagle refused to commit, saying he'd only do it if there were "morally redeeming qualities" to it. Sounds like a non-denial denial to us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Muppets in Kentucky find promising candidates

With two new stories released today showing Senator Jim Bunning's reelection chances diminishing greatly, not only are Democrats in Kentucky feeling good about their prospects, but Muppets are too. And all eyes are turned to one individual: Buster the Horse.

Horse, who has been semi-retired there since 1995, has expressed interest in possibly seeking election to the office. Close friends have said that he is terribly upset by Bunning's inept leadership in the Senate and that he doesn't trust the slate of Democratic candidates.

When phoned for questions, close friend and former riding companion Forgetful Jones could not remember the name of Buster, but did recall the poor leadership Bunning had displayed in the Senate. He also broke into a song and dance routine of "Oklahoma", at which point the conversation ended.

It is worth noting that Buster the Horse's signature achievements in health care (specifically dental hygiene) will be appealing to a body hoping to reform the health care system in America. If he does run, expect the aforementioned health care reform and farm land subsidies to be at the top of his agenda.

But there are also rumours that Gobo Fraggle, from Fraggle Rock, might make a run. As is well known, the Fraggle caves connect to the cave systems in Kentucky. And while residency issues are still pending, it is well known that Gobo Fraggle has had his eye on a congressional seat in Outer Space for a long time now. His decision to run depends on if the Muppet candidate is progressive enough for the Fraggles sensibilities.

If Gobo does run, the Muppet primary battle in Kentucky will be a fun one to watch. No word yet on who Clementine will be endorsing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Marshal Grover might run for Texas Governor

If we can remember back to the 2006 Texas Gubernatorial campaign, Marshal Grover was seriously weighing his options about running for governor of the Lone Star State. In the end, he decided against it, largely because of tax problems stemming from a 1997 accounting error. He later endorsed Kinky Friedman in October of '06.

Now, four years later, and with his tax problems behind him, Grover might actually be making good on his decision to run. In an interview with the El Paso Times, Fred the Wonder Horse mentioned that his long time colleague might be seriously weighing his options:

"I'm pretty darn sure he's thinking about it. He aint happy about Perry, he aint happy about Hutchison, and he sure as heck aint happy about any of the other candidates."

Although Wonder Horse couldn't give a definite answer, he expected an announcement within the next few months. This makes sense, as the Texas Muppet Party has been on the rise, voting in larger numbers in the last few elections, and gaining traction with their message of positivity. In fact, the Muppets are quickly becoming the fourth largest minority group in the state of Texas. Analysts predict that within the next 20 years, the number of Muppets in the state could reach as high as 3%.

Rest assured that, if Marshal Grover were to make a serious run for the governorship, he would have strong support, especially in the rural areas where law and order are chief priorities. And with his hard stances on immigration, Grover could appeal to a wide array of conservatives disenfranchised by the current crop of Republican candidates.

Grover owns a ranch somewhere in East Texas, making questions of his residency moot. More news at it develops.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rowlf the Dog weighing options

With a new Quinnipiac poll released today showing Governor David Paterson trailing Andrew Cuomo in a theoretical primary battle, and Rudy Giuliani in a head-to-head race in 2010, many eyes are turning to Rowlf the Dog who has mentioned before his interest in possibly running for governor of New York - his home state.

"It would be an honor to be able to serve this great state that has always done me proud," said Dog in a phone conversation.

Of course Dog's entry into the political arena would test the strength of the fledgling Muppet Party, which has not always had its best showings in New York. But experts are convinced that, if Dog were to enter, he would make an attractive candidate for people disenfranchised and upset with the current political climate in the state.

More news at it develops.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sam the Eagle might run for California Governor

In an interview with CNN today, Sam the Eagle mentioned the possibility of throwing his name into the 2010 California governor's race.

"If there's one thing that California needs more of, its morality. And I think the current crop is severly lacking." When pressed further about possibly running against such candidates as former Gov. Jerry Brown, Mayor Gavin Newsom, and businesswoman Meg Whitman, Eagle did not deny his desire to run, but expressed doubt about raising money in time.

"These things take money. And I don't have much money because money is the root of all evil. And I hate evil." He also mentioned that he thought Gov. Brown was purposely copying his hairstyle to cash-in on his popularity.

If Eagle does throw his hat into the ring, he will definately benefit from name recognition. Sam the Eagle currently resides in Northern California.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A New Dawn for a New America

Welcome to Muppets for America, a blog dedicated to the new political movement going on within the Muppet Political Party and America, too. It is our hope to document - without bias or pretense - the growing support for Muppets on a national level of public service. Over the last several months, multiple Muppets have put forth their names for offices in such esteemed bodies as the House, Senate, and the various gubernatorial positions.

With 2010 edging ever closer, and the deadline for announcing their candidacies fast approaching, it is our hope at Muppets for America to present the facts so that you, the enlightened, informed, educated voter might better make your decisions for the upcoming election cycle with the hope that America can and will be represented by the best candidates possible - human or Muppet.

In the words of Muppet Political Party founder Jim Henson:

I believe in taking a positive attitude toward the world, toward people, toward my work. I think I'm here for a purpose. I think it's very likely that we all are, but I'm only sure about myself. I try to tune myself in to whatever it is that I'm supposed to be, and I try to think of myself as a part of all of us - all mankind and all life. I find it's not easy to keep these lofty thoughts in mind as the day goes by, but it certainly helps me a great deal to start out this way.

And from that, the Muppet Party is moving forward into a new dawn and a new era of politics where the spirit and joy of Mr. Henson's work will translate into a rebirth for the American way of life and American political atmosphere.