Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A New Dawn for a New America

Welcome to Muppets for America, a blog dedicated to the new political movement going on within the Muppet Political Party and America, too. It is our hope to document - without bias or pretense - the growing support for Muppets on a national level of public service. Over the last several months, multiple Muppets have put forth their names for offices in such esteemed bodies as the House, Senate, and the various gubernatorial positions.

With 2010 edging ever closer, and the deadline for announcing their candidacies fast approaching, it is our hope at Muppets for America to present the facts so that you, the enlightened, informed, educated voter might better make your decisions for the upcoming election cycle with the hope that America can and will be represented by the best candidates possible - human or Muppet.

In the words of Muppet Political Party founder Jim Henson:

I believe in taking a positive attitude toward the world, toward people, toward my work. I think I'm here for a purpose. I think it's very likely that we all are, but I'm only sure about myself. I try to tune myself in to whatever it is that I'm supposed to be, and I try to think of myself as a part of all of us - all mankind and all life. I find it's not easy to keep these lofty thoughts in mind as the day goes by, but it certainly helps me a great deal to start out this way.

And from that, the Muppet Party is moving forward into a new dawn and a new era of politics where the spirit and joy of Mr. Henson's work will translate into a rebirth for the American way of life and American political atmosphere.

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